Atmospheric Modelling Community Working Group

This Working Group includes researchers from several Australian universities and research institutions who use and co-develop the atmospheric modelling component of the Australian Community Climate Earth System Model (ACCESS) for their research.  

Tools used by researchers in the group include the global atmospheric model ACCESS-AM, regional atmospheric models, including atmospheric chemistry and aerosol modelling. 

How to join a Community Working Group

Atmospheric Modelling WG Home

Click on the Atmospheric Modelling WG Home button above to follow this working group mailing list, information about events and meetings and activity reports.

The main aims of this group are to enhance research with the atmospheric model by coordinating model development, evaluation and application activities across the national community, interchange information though regular meetings and provide information about training. 

Atmospheric Modelling WG Co-Chairs

Charmaine Franklin

Charmaine Franklin

Atmospheric Modelling, Bureau of Meteorology

Yi Huang

Yi Huang

Atmospheric Modelling, University of Melbourne

Matt Woodhouse

Matt Woodhouse

Atmospheric Modelling, CSIRO


Dr. Heidi Nettelbeck

Dr. Heidi Nettelbeck

Team Leader, Atmosphere Model Team