ACCESS Community Workshop 2024 Program

In 2024, the Program Committee seeks to bring together people across all the ACCESS communities to present and discuss current and emerging topics, both technical and scientific around the following broad themes: 

  • Model development and model evaluation for CMIP7 
  • High resolution modelling 
  • Paleoclimate and ice-sheet modelling

To ask questions, participate in the discussions and vote for the best posters during the Workshop, you must Sign up to the ACCESS-Hive Forum!



Day 1 – Tuesday 3 September 2024

Updates across the community (science, technical, infrastructure)
08:30 - 09:00
ArrivalRegistration / Tea & CoffeeFoyer
09:00 - 09:30
Welcome1. Welcome to Country
2. Housekeeping
Ian Wark Theatre
09:30 - 10:00Introduction & OverviewAndy Hogg (ACCESS-NRI)
ACCESS Science Update
Ian Wark Theatre
10:00 - 10:30Keynote SpeakerTomoki Miyakawa
(Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, AORI, University of Tokyo)
The current status of global high-resolution modelling activities
Ian Wark Theatre
10:30 - 11:00Morning TeaJaeger Room / Outside
11:00 - 12:00Session 1
Science talks and community or infrastructure updates

Chair: Ariaan Purich, Monash University
Julie Arblaster (Monash University)
Modelling the Weather of the 21st Century
Ian Wark Theatre
Chris Chambers (The University of Melbourne)
The role of sea-surface temperatures in a June 2016 east coast heavy rain event: insights from AUS2200 simulations.
Sramana Neogi (Monash University)
Estimating the climate in a global model with small samples: how many do we need?
Chermelle Engel (ACCESS-NRI)
ACCESS-NRI support of high-resolution modelling using ACCESS-RM with ERA5 driving conditions
Emma Howard (Bureau of Meteorology)BARPA-C - Convective-Scale Regional Climate Modelling in Australia
12:00 - 12:30Keynote SpeakerFelicity McCormack
(Monash University and ARC Special Research Initiative
Securing Antarctica’s Environmental Future)
An introduction to ACCESS' ice sheet model: the Ice-sheet and Sea Level System Model (ISSM)

Ian Wark Theatre
12:30 - 12:45Group PhotoJaeger Room / Outside
12:45 - 13:30LunchOutside
13:30 - 15:00Session 2
Science talks and community or infrastructure updates

Chair: David Hutchinson, UNSW
Jingwei Zhang (UTas)
The Response of the Southern Ocean to Climatological Iceberg Freshwater Forcing
Ian Wark Theatre
Elio Campitelli (Monash University)
First Impressions of ACCESS-S2 Antarctic Sea Ice Forecast
Aidan Heerdegen (ACCESS-NRI)
RRR: Reliability, Replicability, Reproducibility for Climate Models
Dietmar Dommenget (Monash University)
ENSO and tropical basin interactions in idealized worlds
Himadri Saini (UNSW)
Role of distinct glacial boundary conditions in simulating a glacial climate state
Ian Harman (CSIRO Environment)
ACCESS-AM3 – Progress towards the 3rd generation of Australia’s Earth system model
Lightning Talks:
1. Abhaas Goyal (ACCESS-NRI)
Improving testing in CABLE: Range checks for variables
Ian Wark Theatre
2. Claire Carouge(ACCESS-NRI)
SVN to Git: lessons learnt
3. Davide Marchegiani (ACCESS-NRI)
AMAMI, a Multitool Auxiliary Interface for ACCESS Models
4. Edward Doddridge (IMAS)
Ocean Warming and Antarctic Sea Ice Loss
5. Jasmeen Kaur (ACCESS-NRI)
The ACCESS-Hive: what is it and how do I use it?
6. Jemma Jeffree (ANU)
Model Analogues: a statistical forecasting technique to explore the climate system
7. Kial Stewart (ANU)
Implementing Sea Ice Thermodynamics from Laboratory Experiments into CICE
8. Lachlan Whyborn (ACCESS-NRI)
Running CABLE configurations with Payu
Watch Lightning Talks
15:00 - 16:30Afternoon Tea and Poster viewingJaeger Room / Outside
16:30 - 17:00Keynote Speaker

Chair: Julie Albaster, Monash University
Birgit Hassler (German Aerospace Centre DLR)
ESMValTool: Analyzing CMIP-style data made easy
Ian Wark Theatre
18:00 - 21:30Workshop DinnerYBK Village Hall, ANU


Day 2 – Wednesday 4 September 2024

Science, technical and infrastructure updates and across communities group discussions.
08:30 - 09:00ArrivalRegistration / Tea & CoffeeFoyer
09:00 - 09:10WelcomeHousekeeping
Acknowledgment of Country
Ian Wark Theatre
Session 3
Chair: Emma Howard, Bureau of Meteorology
09:15 - 09:45Keynote SpeakerRichard Jones (Met Office, UK)
K-Scale: A global to regional model hierarchy for assessing the costs and benefits of high-resolution global simulations
Ian Wark Theatre
09:45 - 10:30Science talks and community or infrastructure updates Heather Rumbold (Met Office, UK)
Developing the next standard configuration for standalone JULES using a benchmarking system based on
Ian Wark Theatre
Sean Bryan (ACCESS-NRI)
Benchcab: a scientfic evaluation framework for the CABLE land surface model
Ian Wark Theatre
Lightning talks:
1. Mathew Lipson (Weather of the 21st Century)
High resolution urban and regional modelling with JULES+UM
2. Micael J. T. Oliveira (ACCESS-NRI)
Software Transformation at ACCESS-NRI: Empowering Climate Science with Advanced Computing
3. Nicola Maher (ANU)
Using large ensembles for model evaluation
4. Paige Martin (ACCESS-NRI)
The ACCESS-NRI Training Program: Does it meet your needs?
5. Rachel Law (CSIRO)
Opportunities to contribute to the ACCESS-ESM1.6 CMIP7 Fast Track submission
6. Tammas Loughran (CSIRO)
The carbon and climate impacts of forestation in Australia
7. Tommy Gatti (ACCESS-NRI)
Model Configuration Management and Automated Testing at ACCESS-NRI
Watch Lightning Talks
10:30 - 11:30Morning Tea & poster viewingJaeger Room / Outside
11:30 - 13:00Breakout Session 11. Evaluation of ENSO and climate metrics in ACCESS for CMIP7 and beyond.
Co-chairs: Christine Chung, (Bureau of Meteorology) and Harun Rashid (CSIRO)
Ian Wark Theatre
2. Goings on at the Antarctic margins: ocean circulation, ice shelves, and sea ice.
Chair: Ed Doddridge (UTAS)
Becker Room
3. Urban representation (dataset and parameterization) in ACCESS-NRI land models.
Co-chairs: Negin Nazarian, Matthew Lipson and Jiachen Lu (UNSW)
Suzanne Cory Room
4. High resolution modelling.
Co-chairs: Clothilde Langlais and Chris Chapman (CSIRO)
Dorothy Hill Room
13:00 - 14:00Lunch
+Social event
Jaeger Room / Outside
14:00 - 15:00Session 4
Science talks and community or infrastructure updates

Chair: Rachel Law, CSIRO
Sonya Fiddes (Australian Antarctic Program Partnership, IMAS, UTAS)
Evaluating ACCESS-AM2 against aerosol observations
Ian Wark Theatre
Andrew Kiss (ANU)
Australia’s next-generation global ocean and sea ice model for CMIP7 and beyond
Ian Wark Theatre
Eun-Pa Lim (Bureau of Meteorology)
CMIP6 evaluation on the dynamical evolution of the SH polar vortex anomalies
Ian Wark Theatre
Tilo Ziehn (CSIRO)
ACCESS-ESM1.6 – Australia’s contribution to the CMIP7 Fast Track
Ian Wark Theatre
Vassili Kitsios (CSIRO)
A machine learning approach to rapidly project climate responses using CMIP data
Ian Wark Theatre
15:00 - 15:30Afternoon Tea and Poster viewingJaeger Room / Outside
15:30 - 16:30Breakout Session 21. Regional climate modelling and ancillary generation for the nesting suite in the UM.
Chair: Emma Howard (Bureau of Meteorology)
Suzanne Cory Room
2. Emulation of climate model output using machine learning or other data driven approaches.
Chair: Vassili Kitsios (CSIRO)
Ian Wark Theatre
3. Paleoclimate and idealised modelling in the ACCESS suite of models.
Chair: David Hutchinson (UNSW)
Becker Room

4. Visualising Earth systems data.
Co-chairs: Paige Martin and Owen Kaluza (ACCESS-NRI)
Dorothy Hill Room
16:30 - 17:00Keynote Speaker

Chair: Martin Dix, ACCESS-NRI
Sebastian Steinig (University of Bristol, UK)“”: 500 million years of climate data at your fingertips
Ian Wark Theatre


Day 3 – Thursday 5 September 2024

Community Working Groups Meetings
08:30 - 09:00Registration & Tea / CoffeeFoyer
09:00 - 09:30Welcome1. Housekeeping
2. Acknowledgement of Country
3. Introduction to the CWG meetings
4. Reflections of the first two days
5. Poster prizes

Chair: Kelsey Druken
Ian Wark Theatre
09:30 - 11:00Programs for Community Working Groups:

ESM Working Group
Program and Zoom link
Dorothy Hill Room
Atmosphere Working Group
Program and Zoom link
Becker Room
Cryosphere Working Group
Program and Zoom link
Fenner Room
Machine Learning Working Group
Program and Zoom link
Suzanne Cory Room
11:00 - 11:30Morning Tea and Poster ViewingJaeger Room / Outside
11:30 - 13:00Program for Community Working Groups
ESM Working Group
Dorothy Hill Room
Atmosphere Working GroupBecker Room
Cryosphere Working GroupFenner Room
Machine Learning Working GroupSuzanne Cory Room
13:00 - 14:00LunchJaeger Room / Outside
14:00 - 15:30Program for Community Working Groups
Cryosphere Working Group
Fenner Room
Machine Learning Working GroupSuzanne Cory Room
CABLE4 desing MeetingBecker Room
15:30 - 16:00Afternoon TeaJaeger Room / Outside

Day 3 – Programs for the Community Working Group meetings:


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