April 30, 2024
Have your say in the selection of an ice-sheet model (ISM) for ACCESS
The Ice Sheet Model (ISM) Community Assessment is now open. We encourage ACCESS Community members to provide feedback in the selection of an ice-sheet model for ACCESS. Link to Survey and more information
The Cryosphere Modelling Working Group (CMWG) is one of six community working groups supported by ACCESS-NRI. One of its tasks is to establish a process for selecting an Ice Sheet Model (ISM) to couple ice sheet processes into the ACCESS Earth system model.
The primary objective of coupling an ISM of Antarctica and Greenland into ACCESS is to improve decadal- to centennial-scale projections of global mean and regional sea level and climate change.
Over the past year, the CMWG has developed a selection approach and is nearing the completion of the first two phases of the ice sheet model selection: (1) Community Consultation and (2) Assessment. The outcome of the first two phases is a shortlist of three candidate ISMs that have been deemed suitable for coupling with the ACCESS modelling framework. Those models are: Elmer/Ice, IcePack, and the Ice-sheet and Sea level System Model (ISSM).
The third and final phase is an Expert Panel review of the consultation and assessment materials. The aim of the panel is to arrive at a final recommendation on what ISM ACCESS-NRI should support.
The panel is comprised of 8 experts from within the CMWG and broader ACCESS community. They include:
- Felicity McCormack (Monash University) Cryosphere Modelling Working Group, co-chair
- Ben Galton-Fenzi (Australian Antarctic Division) Cryosphere Modelling Working Group, co-chair
- Chen Zhao (University of Tasmania), Cryosphere Modelling Working Group, co-chair
- Lawrence Bird (Monash University), Early Career Representative
- Poul Christoffersen (University of Tasmania), Ice sheet expert
- Katrin Meissner (UNSW), Paleoclimate/Earth systems modelling expert
- Rachel Law (CSIRO), CSIRO Representative and Earth systems modelling expert
- Andy Hogg (ACCESS-NRI), Panel chair
More information on the ACCESS Hive-Forum: https://forum.access-hive.org.au/t/provide-your-feedback-ice-sheet-model-ism-community-assessment-now-open/2062/2