ACCESS Community Workshop 2024

September 2, 2024 - September 5, 2024

This annual event brings together the community of users, developers and collaborators of the ACCESS Earth system models.  People at all career stages are welcome, including ACCESS developers, users of ACCESS model output and people considering using ACCESS in the future.

Aims of the Workshop

  • Building community around the models.
  • Learning about new components developed for ACCESS
  • Showcasing innovative science and modelling approaches
  • Interaction and sharing knowledge between working groups

When: 3-5 September, 2024.

Where: Shine Dome, Australian Academy of Science, in person and online

Registrations are now open!


Would you like to present a talk or a poster? Abstract submissions are open until 04 August!

We welcome submissions that focus on scientific and technical areas related to ACCESS use, model development and model and data integration. The program will include oral and poster presentations. Poster presentations are automatically accepted. The program committee will prioritise scientific or technical talks that would be of interest to the broader community.

In the form, you will be asked for a title and a 250 words (max) abstract, so we recommend to have these available to copy when you are ready to submit the form.

Submit an abstract


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