Dr. Paul Leopardi
Senior Research Software Engineer
Paul is a Senior Research software engineer, working in the atmosphere model team to help improve model documentation, performance and coupling. Paul’s expertise includes UK Met Office atmospheric modelling, Bureau of Meteorology operational weather forecast models, Rose/Cylc.
Paul completed a PhD Mathematics at the UNSW in 2007, with a thesis entitled “Distributing points on the sphere: partitions, separation, quadrature and energy”.
Favourite aspects of his work include breaking down complex problems int simpler components, helping to understand performance bottlenecks, and helping model users to navigate their working environment.
After work, Paul enjoys swing dancing, studying languages, and a little bit of mathematical research.
More information:
Google Site: https://sites.google.com/site/paulleopardi/
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Niq6oXQAAAAJ&hl=en