Dr. Charles Turner

Research Software Engineer, Python Specialist

Dr. Charles Turner

Charles is a Python Specialist within the Model Evaluation & Diagnostic Team at ACCESS-NRI. His role requires working on the usability & functionality of tooling researchers use to interact with & understand the output of earth system models.

Charles completed his PhD in Oceanography: Covariability of anthropogenic heat and carbon over the anthropogenic era, at the University of Southampton in 2022, as well as a MSci in Phsyics, Imperial College London, 2018. He developed an interest in writing Python & Julia libraries to analyse ocean observations.

After graduating, Charles moved to Perth seeking a sunnier climate, where he worked for two years in Air Quality, developing Python libraries & web apps to expedite analysis of environmental monitoring data for industry.

Charles enjoys a wide range of injury inducing hobbies including powerlifting, cycling excessive distances, rollerblading, ice & roller hockey, as well as some more sedate ones like walking the dog and fiddling with computers.