Report on the “Meet and Greet the ACCESS-NRI Team” event at AMOS 2024

February 12, 2024

The Australian Earth System Simulator organised a “Meet and Greet the team event” last Monday 5 February at ANU at the end of the Workshop day of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (AMOS) Conference 2024.

Around 110 people attended the event, despite the heavy rain caused by remnants of Cyclone Kirkby, a very appropriate start of this Conference. Participants included the Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO, Monash University, the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes, ANU, NESP Climate Systems Hub, Department Of Climate Change, Energy, The Environment and Water, Climate change authority, UNSW, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, and many more.

ACCESS-NRI Director Andy Hogg opened the event with a short intro about what ACCESS is and how it supports researchers and policy makers. This was followed by very short presentations by each of the ACCESS-NRI team leads: Claire Carouge (Land surface model team), Heidi Nettelbeck (Atmosphere model team), Romain Beucher (Model Evaluation and Diagnostics team), Aidan Heerdegen (Model Release team) Roger Edberg (User Training team) and Andy Hogg representing the Ocean Model team that doesnt have a team lead at the moment – a bit of a plug here: we are looking for an Ocean Model team Lead so apply here if you are interested!


It was a very enjoyable event with plenty of opportunities for networking and engaging conversations.

We hope the participants went home knowing more about the many ways the Australian Earth System Simulator engages with the community to continue co-creating the climate and weather models of Australia. Engaging with the ACCESS Community is essential to our mission of improving the models and making them easy to use to tackle the biggest challenge of our times.


Images credit: Harshula Jayasuriya, ACCESS-NRI


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