ACCESS Training Day (4 September 2023)

September 4, 2023

The  Australian Earth System Simulator (ACCESS-NRI) would like to invite you to the 2023 ACCESS Workshop Training Day. This face-to-face event will be held in Canberra, ACT on Ngunnawal and Ngambri country on 4 September 2023, in collaboration with the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) and the Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes (CLEX).

Training will be offered over 2 sessions (morning and afternoon) on 4 September. Attendees are welcome to register for the full day or individual sessions.

Registrations have closed

This event precedes the ACCESS Workshop (5-6 September) and several other events occurring during the week. For more information, please see ACCESS Community Workshop 2023.

When: September 4, 2023. This is one of several events occurring during the week. We encourage you to also register for these other events and stay for the whole week.

Where: Canberra, ACT on Ngunnawal and Ngambri country. J.G. Crawford Building (Building 132), Lennox Crossing, ANU, Canberra.


Session 1 (9:30 am -12:30 pm)

Session 2 (2:00 – 5:00 pm)

** Note that AUS2200 will be covered in more detail on Thursday 7 September in a session managed by the Atmosphere Working Group.

Who should attend?

This in-person training will focus on running ACCESS-CM2 and AUS2200 configurations through NCI’s Australian Research Environment (ARE).

The workshop training day program will benefit:

  • Any researchers interested in learning how to run ACCESS models and tools and work with input and output data
  • New users and users with basic exposure to models who want to learn more
  • Experienced users interested in running Cylc workflows through NCI’s ARE service
  • New and experienced users interested in model evaluation and diagnostics (MED) tools, such as the MED Toolbox and ESMValTool.
  • Users who want to keep up to date with ACCESS-related infrastructure and services


Participants will need to bring their laptops and have an NCI account. Additional prerequisites for access to relevant NCI systems, data, and software will also be required prior to the training day. Information will be sent to attendees leading up to the event and ACCESS-NRI will offer a drop-in session on Friday 1 September for any new users needing assistance.

Training aims

The Workshop Training Day program is designed to :

  • Train users on the essentials of running current ACCESS models, tools and data, and ACCESS-related infrastructure
  • Inform the community of new evaluation and diagnostic tools

Key training outcomes will include:

  • Understanding new services available through NCI’s ARE, including long running jobs
  • Understanding essential usage of Rose/Cylc, and how to run Rose/Cylc suites using NCI ARE services
  • Learning how to get started with the ACCESS-CM2 and/or AUS2200 models
  • Learning how to use ACCESS-NRI’s initial release of selected Model Evaluation and Diagnostic (MED) tools


We are committed to making this event accessible to everyone. If there any specific access requirements that we can provide to enable you to attend, please contact us at:

We acknowledge the world is still in the middle of the pandemic. Check out our efforts to minimise the risk of COVID19 infection in all our events.


More information

Contact the ACCESS-NRI team at

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